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New ZANU PF politburo announced

ZANU PF First Secretary and President, Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced a full line-up of Politburo members, whose work is cut out ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

The announcement was made at the party headquarters in Harare this Friday morning at the beginning of the ZANU PF Politburo meeting.

During the party’s 7th National People’s Congress held in October, President Mnangagwa had appointed the Vice Presidents of the party, General Retired Dr Constantino Chiwenga and Cde Kembo Mohadi, the National Chairman, Cde Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri as well as the Secretary for Administration, Dr Obert Mpofu.

Other members of the Politburo are as follows:

Secretary for Administration – Cde Obert Mpofu
Secretary for Finance – Cde Patrick Chinamasa
Secretary for Commisarriat – Dr Mike Bimha
Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade – Dr Simbarashe Mbengegwi
Secretary for Security – Cde Lovemore Matuke
Secretary for Transport – Cde July Moyo
Secretary Legal Affairs – Advocate Jacob Mudenda
Secretary for Information and Publicity – Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa
Secretary for Health and Child Welfare and Elderly – Cde Douglas Mombeshora
Secretary for Lands – Cde Kenneth Musanhi
Secretary for Environment and Tourism – Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa
Secretary for Ideology – Cde Charles Tavengwa
Secretary for Science and Technology – Cde Ziyambi Ziyambi
Secretary Economic Development – Dr Sithembiso Nyoni
Secretary for Labour and Empowerment – Cde Richard Ndhlovhu
Secretary for Mines – Cde Paul Munyaradzi Mangwana
Secretary for Local Government – Cde Super Mandiwanzira
Secretary for Economic Affairs – Major General (Retired) Engelbert Rugeje
Secretary for Disabilities – Cde Joshua Malinga
Secretary for Women Affairs – Cde Mable Chinomona
Secretary for Youth Affairs – Cde Tino Machakaire
Secretary for War Veterans Affairs – Cde Douglas Mahiya
Secretary for Business Development – Cde Eliphas Mashava
Secretary for Implementation and Monitoring – Cde Joram Gumbo

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