Neville Mutsvangwa, the son of Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa, faced a setback as Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi refused him bail. Mutsvangwa, along with Simbarashe Tichingana and Ellis Majachani, faces charges including money laundering, dealing in foreign currency, and violating the Telecommunications Act.
The magistrate cited concerns that Mutsvangwa’s familial ties and financial resources might prompt him to evade trial jurisdiction. Consequently, bail was denied, with the next court appearance scheduled for May 30.
Meanwhile, awaiting bail finalization, Mutsvangwa and his co-accused Majachani and Tichingana were remanded to Remand Prison. The State vehemently opposed bail, arguing the severity of the charges, especially regarding money laundering. The prosecutor highlighted Mutsvangwa’s attempt to evade arrest, emphasizing the likelihood of flight and interference with witnesses and investigations. With evidence of foreign bank accounts and various travel documents, the State argued against bail, asserting the potential for absconding trial.
Additionally, the investigating officer corroborated the State’s concerns, detailing the challenges faced during Mutsvangwa’s arrest. Despite repeated attempts, Mutsvangwa evaded apprehension until law enforcement resorted to forceful entry.