Big Brother Mzansi is getting exciting every day now as hormones were raging in Biggies House and this led to a few interesting developments.
It seems Themba was quite the ladies’ man during the Saturday Night Party. While in their intoxicated states, Nthabii couldn’t keep her hands and eyes off Themba. We saw them dancing very close to each and this raised a few eyebrows.
Just when we thought that we had seen it all, Themba was spotted flirting with Venus. He told Venus that she is the most beautiful girl in the world and she’s one in a million. Venus accepted this compliment with a blush. Did we mention that there was a twinkle in her eyes?
Themba bravely asked Venus why she doesn’t give him attention and Venus responded by saying it’s not that she doesn’t like him, she just likes taking her time.
A few minutes later, Themba was seen with Mphowabadimo. When he tried to touch her, Mphowabadimo resisted and blurted out that she was not going to do this because Nthabii is her friend. Themba was left a bit confused.
It seems Mphowabadimo was also fighting demons of her own. Randomly, she walked over to Venus and Themba and started twerking for them. Things got quite steamy and Themba made a request. He asked Mphowabadimo to sit on Venus but that request was not met.
Source – Bigbrothermzansi