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Zimbabwe News

Courts warn granting bail to Chimombe, Mpofu could incite riots

Mike Chimombe and Mpofu

In a startling development that has gripped Zimbabwe, ZANU PF Central Committee member Mike Chimombe and his business partner Moses Mpofu have been embroiled in a legal saga over their involvement in a significant goat scandal. The pair appeared in court recently and were further remanded until August 7 amidst accusations of defrauding the government of millions of United States dollars.

The scandal revolves around the Presidential Goat Pass-on Scheme, a noble initiative introduced by the government in 2021 as part of its Rural Development Agenda. The scheme aimed to uplift less-privileged households by purchasing over 600,000 special goat breeds. However, allegations surfaced that Chimombe and Mpofu, operating through their company Blackdeck, secured a lucrative contract worth more than US$7 million under fraudulent pretenses.

Harare regional magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa presided over the hearing and expressed concerns that releasing the defendants could potentially incite public unrest, given the scheme’s intended humanitarian goals. Magistrate Gofa dismissed claims of political motivations behind the case, emphasizing that there was sufficient evidence to support the charges. Additionally, she cited fears of possible interference with ongoing investigations as grounds for further remand.

According to prosecutor Anesu Chirenje, Chimombe and Mpofu allegedly misrepresented Blackdeck’s credentials during the tender process. The company purportedly lacked proper registration and a valid tax clearance certificate from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA). Despite these irregularities, Blackdeck entered into an agreement with the Ministry involved, agreeing to supply and deliver an extensive quantity of goats meant for the scheme.

The allegations assert that instead of fulfilling their contractual obligations, Chimombe and Mpofu diverted substantial funds earmarked for the goat procurement, effectively defrauding the government and jeopardizing the intended beneficiaries of the scheme.

Legal representation for the defendants, Tapson Dzvetero and Arshiel Mugiya, is actively defending against the charges as the case progresses towards indictment on August 7. The courtroom drama surrounding this scandal continues to unfold, raising pertinent questions about accountability, transparency, and the effective implementation of public welfare initiatives in Zimbabwe.

The outcome of this case will not only determine the fate of those involved but also potentially influence public trust in government-led development programs aimed at tackling poverty and socio-economic inequality in the country. As the legal proceedings evolve, Zimbabweans await answers and justice in what has become a contentious chapter in the nation’s governance and accountability framework.

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