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Relationship Tips

5 ways you can learn to receive love from others


Receiving love from others should be an automatic process right? Well, not quite.

There are in fact many people who struggle with receiving love, for different reasons, even when they are great at giving.

This is a problem because it can cause deep emotional issues and attract the wrong kind of people into your life.

If you’re one of those people who had the realization that they actually don’t know how to accept love without feeling guilty or unworthy, you need to seek professional help.

As you look into it, below are some tips on how you can let your guard down more and receive love from others.

1. Find the root cause

For us to have a stable life, we often need to do some introspection. This should be your self-care time where you assess who you are, where you’re at in life and some of the things that you might need to change.

With this specific issue, you need to investigate why you find it do hard to receive love. The source might be rejection, the fear of getting too attached then losing someone or even childhood trauma.

You need to identify what your specific root cause is and recognize how it has affected your life so you can heal.

2. Leave the past behind

After you take some time to identify some of that baggage you’ve carried for so long, you need to make a decision to leave them behind and move forward with your life. You have to recognize that you don’t have to allow your past to control your future and that is a decision only you can make.

This process is hard and very painful but, once you make that decision that you won’t give your past power over you, you will gradually break free.

3. Seek therapy

Besides making that personal decision to move on, you also need see a therapist. A therapist will help to identify some root causes you didn’t know about and most importantly, offer a solution.

Some people are able to work through it through self-therapy but, it would be a much better idea to work with a professional who can see things from a different perspective.

4. Recognize your self-sabotaging patterns

People who aren’t whole emotionally often don’t know that they’re setting themselves up for failure through self-sabotage.

Self-sabotaging, when you don’t know how to receive love, can come in the form of infidelity when you’re in a perfectly healthy relationship and many other problematic coping mechanisms.

There are many ways you might be rejecting love without even realizing it and you need to be aware of those patterns so you can learn how to change that.

5. Accept that you are worthy of love

As you do the work to identify the root causes and seek therapy, you need to remind yourself every day that you are worthy of love.

You have to fight through those lies that you’ve told yourself for so long for you to break free. Your loved ones genuinely care for you and when they say they love you, learn to accept that truth because they truly love you.

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