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10 most common New Year resolutions

new year

Every year people around the world come up with new plans for the coming year, what are some of the most common?

A 2016 survey by UC San Diego Health listed the most common New Year’s resolutions and they included giving up smoking, getting out of debt and losing weight.

Then there are the aspirational and vague resolutions like “travel,” “watch less Netflix,” or “learn something new,”. Here are the most common resolutions.

1. Lose weight/exercise

Everyone wants to keep fit and exercise more. They probably have plans to get a gym subscription and go to the gym more.

2. Quit smoking

Smoking can get irritated with this habit which is usually so unhealthy and they would love to stop.

3. Get out of debt/save money

Money is a big deal for many people who would love to earn more money, save more or get out of debt.

4. Spend more time with family and friends

Family time is more important, many people want to go out more, and spend time around those they love.

5. Watch less TV and reduce mobile phone use

We all need a break from television or our phones and many people to make that resolve.

6. Reduce stress

Stress from hectic work and family life gets to us all. Many people will love to chill and be more relaxed

7. Travel more

We all have dreams to travel around the world or even the country we live in and we can always plan to do that in the coming year.

8. Learn something new

New skills help people to improve and grow. So, many people want to learn new skills in the coming year.

9. Eat healthier

Eating healthy and exercising go hand in hand, many people want to improve their diet so that they can live better.

10. Get more sleep

Having a bad sleeping routine can be so hectic and since many people face trouble sleeping, they can easily resolve to change that.

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